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Perceiving by Disabling Knowledge

In the last post i did talk about skipping the intellectual drama, disabling the knowledge temporarily and also about perceiving. But time has come now to reason it out.
India is a country which doesn't believe in following the set of commandments given by someone else, we believe in conversations and debates, and that's why even the Holy Bhagwat Gita is a book based on the conversation between Sri Krishna ( a wise king and a scholar) and the prince Arjuna, which is a documented debate. The last post was like a commandment and that's why this post is going to go in depth of what was said earlier, with a strong reasoning. People are welcomed to contradict, criticize and suggest in the comment section.

Ancient humans, and civilizations are much more than what we really think about them, they invented the things which is not only useful but doesn't have any kind of a negative impact on the environment and mechanics of our complex human body.
Ayurveda is one of them. Ancient and advanced form of medical treatment which focuses on curing people instead of making money out of pharmaceuticals and Business hospitals. Books like Sushruta Samhita, Prakriti and Charaka Samhita are few of examples of an ayurveda text. The 'Vaidya', doctors, healers, worked as a humanitarian, benefactor, social reformer for social welfare and not for profit, though getting profit or having business isn't a negative thing in my opinion, it just has to be executed in a healthy fashion.

Greeks and Romans had a good knowledge of surgeries, and they developed water pumping and countless things...
Well the point is not what they have done, but how they have achieved all this is a question and also a proof that we have no reason to call ourselves superior anyway in the terms of the technology because their technology benefits the society and at the same time doesn't disturb the nature.

The lunar calendar is much more precise than the the sun calendar, this is something which surprises us even today because they didn't have the telescope at that time, neither they had any kind of a satellite. They claim to learn few things from gods, or were they having any communications with the ancient aliens? It's still a question and despite the proofs we can't conclude anything on this matter. But why has it become so difficult for us to conclude things even after the proving? There's only one answer to it....

It's not the proofs which we don't trust, Proofs are just the collection of facts leading us to a conclusion. Facts are always true. Than the thing really which makes us unable to conclude the topic is the trust on the people and organizations, these proofs thrown at you might even be tempered with, or distorted so it can lead you to a wrong conclusion, and means of making money. So this could be a plain reason for not believing the theories like ancient aliens too.

Invention of a wheel is no less than invention of a computer itself! The intelligence is judged not for what the creation was like, but for how the process of creation, creating, by an inventor takes place. Creation is getting something from non existence to existence, but as GH Hardy said, there's nothing as non existent in this world, all these designs, ideas, equations, theorems are a part of cosmos very much, and mathematicians, physicists, scientists don't invent the formulas but they find it somewhere down in line and present it to the public.
What inspired him to say such a thing? It was Srinivasa Ramanujan who once said to him that Lord Durga comes to his dreams and tells him the sequence formulas!
But GH Hardy was a bloody atheist! And it was really hard for him to believe something of this sort. Down in line, even though he denied the idea of Lord Durga speaking to the Indian mathematician in the dream, a thought struck him, and it was that all these equations do exist in the universe and the only genius ones do touch that line! He argued with the Cambridge fellow mates saying that it's inappropriate to say that Isaac Newton invented or founded Gravity! Gravity existed, it's eternal till any massed object is their, it's naturally occurring phenomenon. Newton had plainly observed and written it down in words but is it appropriate to say that he's the first one to invent Gravity? What if there were people back in past who understood the same theory, and even written it down.

It's not only claimed that Brahmagupta had writings on gravity but it has also been proved by handing out the book to the people! As for Lord Durga talking about the maths formula in the dream isn't that absurd either, because even Isaac Newton had once mentioned in the British Parliamentary session that some of the formulas regarding calculus, differential equations, by him was only possible if he couldn't have dreamt about it!

Than all the Ancient Aliens organization went on screaming that he communicated with highly intelligent extraterrestrials species in the dreams!
First thought which occurs to you is "Codswallop"! It could be, chances of you being right is more! We find it extremely difficult to accept the things which we don't understand, that's the basic human nature, and if you're of that kind than it's very normal!

But some explainable theory for this strange occurrence has to be found. One point is that these genius minds have been so much consumed in their research that while sleeping, their brain got a way out from the regular stress and rewired and reworked itself to find the solution! There are many architects who have claimed to derive an extraordinary design because of dreaming, like Àlvaro Siza and Michael Graves for example.
As for the overly famous, Canadian born- American architect Frank O Gehry, said, " If you know where it's going, it's not worth doing it".

He doesn't believe in thinking and taking the designs intelligently, he takes the designs emotionally and expresses the movement! The Simpsons episode on Frank Gehry's derivation of The Walt Disney Concert Hall is exactly what inspired this architect to create a great and magnificent monument! Now this is what " Skipping the Intellectual Drama" means. This great architect got his inspiration from the crushed paper lying on the floor and without wasting his time on thinking, he let his imaginations run freely and hand working on the paper simultaneously which led him to an enormous design.

Click on the link below to find out the last and extraordinary interview with Nikola Tesla. 

The possible examination for all this is
Intuition is the reason which has made the scientists dream of a formula, for some it was just a random dream, and for someone else it was a dream where Lord Durga comes, because the mathematician always devoted his time praying to different gods, as he was Brahmin from Tamil Nadu.

Intuition gets activated when you free yourself from unwanted stress! And that's when your efficiency increases! Understanding things instinctively, and without any conscious reasoning can only take place when you allow yourself to be at peace, that's when your mind expands! The founder of Isha Yogi- Sadhguru, an alumni of University of Mysore, Jaggi Vasudev has always told his students about activating this important tool.

When the destructive, devastating Madras floods of 1943 took occurred, turning many buildings into shackles and uprooting life by all possible force, it were the fishes, and aquatic animals who took refuge into different places much before the calamity which got struck, and even the cattles and many of the domestic animals evacuated the place much before the destruction which would take place.
There was just one specie which was unaware of the calamity and that is the most highly intelligent organism in the world claimed by the species itself, The Human race. Problem is we over think things, we keep on analysing the same data which was already analysed. And the reason for not being able to activate our Intuition has been put up in simple words by Sadhguru.

He says that human mind is just like a smartphone, there are many apps which are inbuilt and some are installed which keeps running in the background consuming up our battery and exhausting us. And till these apps consume much of your RAM and battery, the intuition can't be activated. There's no need to uninstall any app, as these are very important, but once a while there's a need for deactivating these running apps so you can activate your intuition.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talks about the 3 levels of obtaining knowledge,
1) 5 Senses - Touching, Tasting, Seeing, Listening and feeling. These let you know about the physical world and hence you obtain knowledge about an object and eart itself.
The second level of knowledge is much more superior to the first level,
2) Intelligence.
It lets you use your brain to calculate, analyse and also understand the topic. One can feel the temperature because of the senses, but to know the reason behind it is through Intelligence.

And finally the far most advanced form of obtaining knowledge which has not been tapped by most of the humans is...

3) Intuition.
It's about keeping your mind at peace, and perceiving.

Perceiving and analysing are two very different things.

Spirituality has always emphasized on Perceiving, it's not a different subject which needs to be learned, it's not about Spirits floating around, but spirituality only deals with self realisation of what we are! No theory is enforced on someone, people are left free to realize themselves of what the world is. It respects your own identity.

And someone implementing any ideas on anyone isn't spirituality in anyway.

And that's why it's sometimes best to disable the present knowledge and perceive to not go higher, but exploring to find new places of opportunities.
You can't pour more tea to the already filled teapot, it has to be emptied first to get room for more tea get filled.

Photographer of the last image- Anjay Madhan. Do click on the link to follow more photographs.

Guys you can click on the link below to know about 10 Ancient Sages whose contributions were far ahead of time.


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