" In a country like India where government doesn't have enough capital to set up the required infrastructure even for the 50% of people has taken a bold decision to make Rs 3600 cores statue for pride of our country!! Our pride is slowly turning into ego because somewhere there are ppl who feel inferior as an Indian just because we don't have a strong economy. So now those ppl are getting low and mad to prove the world that we aren't less by spending crores of money for luxur! Do you know why did Roman Empire collapse?? There urge to prove the world tht we're the best made them greedy for luxur, they misunderstood, wrongly ciphered the value of money for needs.... There economy collapsed because they couldn't do anything much for the living conditions of poor and spent extravagantly in infrastructure... And here's India which isn't even ready with the basic infrastructure for public!! Basic needs aren't fulfilled in our country but priority is...