No one can disagree that the universe is a magnificent architecture created by engineering the artistic elements in a self created canvas.
stimulation can be done through sensitizing the people around. The
only law of this universe is change and hence same goes for
architecture. To understand the full essence of change and what
causes is one should understand how architecture fashions a way. The
tailoring of all the physical structure in any method happens with
the change of time, culture, traditions, system, religion and
economy. Architecture in itself means designing the structure; it
can be a physical built form, human brain, glass, cup, chair, train,
Machine, software, society, constitution, company, system,
government, skeleton, atom, neurons, cell, subatomic particles like
quarks, earth, moon, solar system, sun, galaxy clusters, black holes
etc. To summarize universe itself is an architectural structure and
universe includes everything within.
Beautiful is the architect of the universe who has carefully designed each and every element with a deeper purpose. Universe is such an enormous and miraculous structure which fashions it’s own way throughout eons. It updates itself and reforms, expands or even contract when needed. People involved in spirituality- members of Art of Living and so on believe that universe is the consequence of our own processes and thoughts and that's what forms or opens up another dimension. With understanding this one can realize the importance of thoughts a human mind produces. If it is true that universe can be changed through our spiritual awakening and another dimension gets opened up by our enlightenment and greater vision which might change the very chemistry of the universe and also the structure in itself; maybe not physically but dimension ally than ‘thought’ is the most important ingredient to change anything.
Compare to an enormous universe, an architectural style of human civilization is just a toy by a trivial group. One must realize the immensity of emotions, impressions and expressions which gives an output called as ‘thought’. So the thought is the element which causes an exponential change in the society such as change in religion, tradition, system etc.
atmosphere and background are the major human cognition which can
drive the change.
Change requires adaptability, struggle, shift in thinking, and leaving behind the past. One who does not accept change or obstructs it must know that change can never be stopped completely and only delayed. Delaying the changes often turns out to be damaging if prolonged longer. The rule of the universe is that it should change. Universe in itself can be attributed to change. Civilizations which has failed to adapt to change has often collapsed and history is it’s proof. Change is related to everything which includes change in ideas to change in architecture. Species which failed to adapt to change ended up getting changed by the universe. Around 100,000 years largest of ape species, Gigantopithecus went extinct because it could not adapt to the climate change whereas cockroaches are believed to live since the carboniferous period which took place about 112 million years before dinosaurs and were about twice as big as their current form, made it through Triassic period where many species went extinct. Sharks, Crocodiles and bees are believed to have survived what dinosaurs or other ape species couldn’t because these adapted throughout different time and transformed with it.
Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Tudor, Gothic and so many kinds of civilization and it's architecture of the society got it’s expiry because it had a definite way of designing. It could not adapt with advancing engineering and building construction progress. Rigidity or a strict uniformity in pattern finishes the opportunity to obtain better alternatives which brings along the changes and hence revolution in design of systems and structures.
Despite of immensity for need of changes, true entity should be intact to what has to be followed later. Originality of the needs should not be forgotten as it is the main ambition throughout the journey of designing in world. The motive behind the designing and structuring should not be forgotten as it serves the main purpose which addresses the needs.
Just the way fashion comes up with
bygone features in a new style similarly the change takes place
keeping the main goal or purpose alive. ‘Change’’s only goal is
to fulfill the main purpose. Change does not mean forgetting the past
or leaving behind the older values, it means a greater update in a
process but the aim remains the same.
One must keep changing the strategy
while climbing the hill which should be based on the situation,
otherwise getting fixed to a single strategy might become a reason
for one’s downfall.
The changes are must in universe as the law of it is change itself. The transformation will occur again and again- meaningless structures and society will be destroyed; religions with lost essence will come to an end; mass extinction will happen at every cycle so the life can start again all fresh; older values will be washed and replaced by new ideals just the way it has happened all this time.
Sri Krishna himself explained this before the war for religion - Mahabharat the greatest and fiercest war ever taken place in the world's history.
The Inevitable change of macrocosm also opens the door for the things which might change when the yuga (age) changes;
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